Direct Personal Loans

Get Fiscally Fit

In the short term, direct personal loans can give you the cash you need to make it from paycheck to paycheck. However, you want to make sure you have another strategy long-term to manage your finances. Here are some ways you can improve your fiscal fitness.

Where Do You Want to Go?

Financial planning starts with realistic and attainable goals. Having a goal to shoot for can help you stay on track with your budget and finances. Ask yourself where you want to be and impose a timeframe. Set the following standards:

  • Short-term: these might include paying down credit cards or saving for a vacation
  • Intermediate: an intermediate goal might be saving for a down payment on a car
  • Long-term: this would be a wish like saving for retirement or a college fund
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Make a Budget: Where Are You Right Now?

A budget is one of the best preventive measures you can take against unexpected expenses, thereby reducing your dependency on direct personal loans and other borrowing. Make a budget in four steps:

  1. Add up your monthly fixed expenses (rent, savings, car payments, etc.)
  2. Add up monthly variable expenses (personal spending, clothes, gifts, etc.)
  3. List all sources of monthly income
  4. Now compare expenses to income. If you have a deficit, figure out ways to trim expenses or bolster your income.

Save Early & Often for Future Security

Savings are the best buffer against ebbs and flows in cash flow. With these funds stored up, you will have another alternative to credit cards and direct personal loans. Remember that what you don't see, you don't spend. Save first and then you won't be tempted to spend what you should be saving.

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I have a regular source of income.
I receive at least $1000/month.
I have a bank account.
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